1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: New roof - exhibition hall and gallery - display lighting track layout

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - ground floor loading area ventilation and fume extract

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - engineering area ventilation

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - Jetsave warm air heating system layout

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - Plant Room sections

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - proposed ground floor mechanical services

1 item

"GMOs, revised proposals for new regulations"

1 item

"Consumer attitudes about the use of biotechnology in agriculture and food production"

1 item

Department of Trade and Industry "Foresight for agriculture, horticulture and forestry - crop production"

1 item

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food report "Organic farming and gene transfer from genetically modified crops"

1 item

"The impact of new and impending regulations on UK biotechnology"

8 pages

City News Issue 84

1 item

Proactive approaches to commercialising GMOs conference papers

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Structural calculations in respect of checking stability of existing mural panels at South Yard

1 item

"Food Ethics Council" Pamphlet

1 item

Biography of P. K. M'Pherson produced for a University of the 3rd Age lecture

1 item

Institute of Grocery Distribution "Communication and labelling guidelines for genetically modified crops"

1 item

"GM agriculture in the UK?"

8 pages

City News Issue 80

1 item

The Royal Society reports


Fax message from Scottish Crop Research Institute to Professor Michael Wilson concerning review of safety issues relating to GM foods

1 item

"Environmental impact of GM-crops" conference papers


E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to various persons relating to a Rowett Research Institute press release concerning genetically modified potatoes

1 report

"Applications of biotech to crops, benefits and risks" Issue paper 12

1 item

BATS Agency "Tools for safety assessment; The deliberate release of transgenic plants – biology, hazards and safety"

1 item

"Promoting the competitive environment for the industrial activities based on biotechnology within the Community"

1 item

Interim Report of the Biotechnology Coordination Committee "Regulatory framework and research policy effort on biotechnology in the EC and the US"

1 item

"Biotechnology in crop protection – a BCPC view"

1 item

"The impact of genetic modification on agriculture, food and health"

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) "GM agriculture in the UK?"

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) "GM agriculture in the UK?"

1 file

Meeting documents from 23rd Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes meeting

1 item

Introduction to SCIMAC leaflet


E-mail from Tony Combes to Daniel F Verakis relating to Michael Wilson's interview on BBC radio Kent about Dr Pusztai experiments and absence of sound science in his work

1 item

Lecture slides relating to a lecture entitled 'SE Life-Cycle'

1 item

"Genetically modified plants for food use"


E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to Professor Michael Wilson relating to an article "‘Effects of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine" published in ‘The Lancet’


"SOAEFD flexible fund project RO 818"

1 file

Meeting documents from 19th Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes meeting

1 item

Brochure entitled 'ECS-1'


Fax message from Jean Garon, Axis Genetics Ltd, to Professor Michael Wilson relating to the Axis Genetics–Granada TV Enquiry


E-mail from Dr Nick Birch to various peoples relating to GNA studies

2 items

The British Crop Production Council "Biotechnology in crop protection - a BCPC view"

1 item

"Genetically engineered oilseed rape: agricultural saviour or new form of pollution?" Genewatch UK

1 item

"Genetically modified crops and the countryside"

1 file

Meeting documents from 7th Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes meeting

1 item

"Public attitudes to genetic engineering in New Zealand"

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: New roof - main distribution diagram

1 item

"Will GM technology benefit the developing world?" The Biochemist

1 item

"Are genetic crops safe?"


E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to various persons relating to the upcoming publication of a paper by Dr Pusztai and Prof. Ewen on genetically modified potatoes